Seven Essential Digital Marketing Tactics for Law Firms – Part 3 – E059

This is a three-part series covering the seven essential digital marketing tactics for law firms. This series is intended to help law firms with their digital marketing. There is a lot of confusion and conflicting hearsay around what works, and what doesn’t work when it comes to digital marketing.  In this three-part series, I will help clear the air and the seven fundamental digital marketing tactics. 

This is the third and final episode in a three-part series. In this episode, I will go over the following:

Social – Social media marketing allows law firms to establish their brand personality and credibility by showcasing their attorneys, expertise, and successful case results to the public. Developing social media connections and nurturing leads can help drive word-of-mouth referrals for a law firm’s services when people need trusted legal counsel for issues in their lives.

Paid Media –  paid media campaigns allow law firms to get their adverts in front of people at the exact moment they search online for legal help, increasing findability dramatically for time-sensitive issues. Law firms that leverage paid media such as PPC effectively can rapidly generate more qualified website traffic, leads, and new clients seeking attorneys to take on their urgent cases or pending lawsuits.