Seven Essential Digital Marketing Tactics for Law Firms – E057

This is a three-part series covering the seven essential digital marketing tactics for law firms. This series is intended to help law firms with their digital marketing. There is a lot of confusion and conflicting hearsay around what works, and what doesn’t work when it comes to digital marketing.  In this three-part series, I will help clear the air and the seven fundamental digital marketing tactics. 

This is the first episode and I will go over the following:

Your Firm’s Website – Why having a professional website that is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and focuses on helping visitors understand your services can increase the number of new client appointments.

Claimed Location Pages – Which location pages should you focus on? And the importance of managing and keeping them up to date.

OnlineReviews – How to get effective reviews? How to respond to negative reviews and manage your client base so your service is accurately represented.