Seven Essential Digital Marketing Tactics for Law Firms – Part 2 – E058

This is a three-part series covering the seven essential digital marketing tactics for law firms. This series is intended to help law firms with their digital marketing. There is a lot of confusion and conflicting hearsay around what works, and what doesn’t work when it comes to digital marketing.  In this three-part series, I will help clear the air and the seven fundamental digital marketing tactics. 

This is the second episode in the series and in this episode, I will go over the following:

SEO/ Content Marketing   – SEO is critical for law firms to have their website seen by potential clients searching for local legal representation online after accidents and injuries. Optimizing a law firm’s website and content for relevant keywords and search intent helps build credibility and trust in the firm by increasing findability, driving site traffic, and ultimately gaining qualified leads and new clients needing legal help.

Email Newsletter – Email marketing helps law firms stay top-of-mind with existing clients by providing helpful legal content, law updates, and newsletters directly in their inboxes on an ongoing basis. By actively building an email list, law firms can also reach new potential clients with tailored offers and free consultations to acquire more business.