Part 3 – Seven Game-Changing Digital Marketing Tactics for Dental Offices – E067

Digital marketing is crucial for dentists who want to grow their practice and reach more patients. In the first part, we discussed how website optimization, claiming your location pages, and obtaining online reviews can help your dental practice stand out. Then in the second part we covered the power of using SEO, content marketing, and email marketing to increase the online presence of your dental practice. For the final part of our series “seven game-changing digital marketing tactics for dental offices”, we will address the powerful potential of social media and paid media.

Tip #6: Use Social Media to Engage, Educate, and Entertain

Social media has become increasingly popular across all industries, including dentistry. The majority of your present and potential patients have social media accounts on at least one platform. Hence, providing you access to a sizable audience. Therefore, it is crucial to have a strong social media presence for your dental practice. 

Being on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram will help you reach and connect with your dental patients, and build brand awareness. However, keep in mind that each platform has different algorithms and audiences, so plan your content accordingly. Share office tour videos on YouTube, highlight positive patient reviews on Facebook, and showcase before and after photos on Instagram. 

For a successful social media strategy, your content should be engaging, educational, and strategically posted. You can provide educational content by sharing tips about oral care and answering common questions. Create entertaining posts and short videos to attract more individuals. As the views increase, your content will be promoted further by the platform’s algorithms. Thus, helping you reach a broader audience. 

Some creative content ideas for dentists include sharing procedure videos, staff highlights, reviews from satisfied patients, stories, and polls. Such content will help create a better understanding and trust for your dental clinic and work, developing long-lasting relations with patients.

Tip #7 Ensure Maximum Impact with Paid Media

Unlike organic media, which may take a few months to grow, paid media allows your content to be shown in front of your targeted users in days. Paid media includes social media ads like Facebook Ads and PPC (pay-per-click) ads like Google Ads. PPC allows dentists to prioritize their dental clinic and services on the search result page (SERP) for the users searching related terms. Dentists will be able to target and reach their desired audience based on the geographics, demographics, optimal timing, and required services. 

Creating optimized landing pages and an attractive advertisement for your dental practice will maximize the return on investment (ROI). This in turn will help bring in new patients. Advertisers are charged only when potential patients click on dental ads targeted to those interested in dental services. Using advanced targeting options and retargeting strategies can also boost the effectiveness of paid media campaigns. 

Social Media and PPC Marketing for Dentists

Both social media and paid media are necessary parts of digital marketing for dental offices. By creating relevant and engaging content, strategic targeting and retargeting, and optimized ads, dentists can elevate their online presence, and attract new patients. If you need help advertising your dental services on Facebook, Google, or other platforms, contact New Wine Digital at 480-516-1819 for a free consultation. We’ll apply the seven game-changing digital marketing tactics for dental offices and help you grow a strong online presence.