Writing and Promoting Your Book Using Digital Marketing With Guest Rachel Keck

Today we talk to best-selling author Rachel Keck about how she used digital marketing to write, promote and sell her book.  We discuss the strategies and channels and also get into the contents of her book, Everyone is Not Like You: Creating Authenticity and Connection In Today’s Workplace. 

Rachel Keck is a consultant and coach specializing in workplace culture. Drawing from her extensive background in psychology, sociology, and spiritual direction, Rachel approaches her work with a unique blend of expertise and curiosity. Her company, Mosaic-Collaborative, serves as a valuable resource to leaders responsible for shaping workplace culture, as well as those who cultivate client and customer relationships in service-based industries. Visit her website to learn more about her:

You can purchase her book on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Everyone-Not-Like-You-Authenticity-ebook/dp/B09CR6Q4R5