Why Backlinks No Longer Matter for SEO – E074

Backlinks are a crucial part of search engine optimization (SEO). In other words, backlinks are links that lead Google bots to your website from others. Most importantly, it’s an endorsement of your site’s content, which increases the authority of your website. Thus, higher the authority of your website, the more likely it is to rank on the search engine result pages.

Backlinks: Their Evolution and Significance

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, created PageRank to review online pages based on the quality and quantity of backlinks. Academic paper citation review served as the model for this concept. A page was considered more reliable if it was referenced in many other significant publications. Similarly, a website was considered to have greater credibility and ranked higher in search results if it had a large number of high-quality backlinks.

The creation of PageRank resulted in a backlink race. So, individuals started to trick the system by using link farms, buying and selling links, and producing low-quality content to build backlinks. Therefore creating high quality backlinks started to become an issue.

Google’s Algorithm Updates

In response to these deceptive strategies, Google released many algorithm updates:

  • Panda Update (2011): 

Lowered rankings and removed websites with weak or poor-quality content from search results.

  • Penguin Update (2012):  

Through this update, sites using black hat SEO techniques such as link schemes, link buying, and link exchanges were penalized.

The main motive for these updates was to rank websites that create backlinks to endorse their content. Moreover to ban or penalize the websites using manipulative tactics. This would create a platform with relevant and accurate search results.

Current Backlink Strategies

Today, Google emphasizes the importance of natural and high-quality backlinks. Here’s how to approach backlinks in the current SEO landscape:

  • Organic Link Building:

    Focus on earning links naturally by creating high-quality, valuable content that others want to link to.

  • High-Quality Sources:

    Aim for backlinks from authoritative sites, especially those with “.edu” or “.org” domains.

  • Disavow Low-Quality Links:

    Use tools like Google Search Console to disavow links from spammy or irrelevant sites to avoid penalties.

Challenges in Acquiring Backlinks

Gaining high-quality backlinks remains challenging. Authentic backlinks can be gained by persistently producing content, connecting it to others, and building connections in your industry. Offers that guarantee a large number of backlinks in a brief amount of time are not only impractical but may also result in penalties that could hurt the SEO of your website.

Digital Marketing Services for Small Businesses

Backlinks are a cornerstone of SEO. But must be approached with a focus on quality over quantity. Adapting to Google’s evolving standards and prioritizing authentic link-building practices will ensure long-term success in improving your site’s visibility and authority. If you need help with your digital marketing strategy, contact New Wine Digital. Our team of experts will improve your website’s SEO through backlinks, optimized content, user-friendly web design, and more

Here is the link to the article cited on this episode: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/googles-john-mueller-total-number-of-backlinks-doesnt-matter/396638/