Helping children with disabilities – E073

In this episode we take a break from our normal digital marketing related topics and talk about helping children with disabilities fund their education. I talk to Ronnie Daniels, the executive director at Children First Education Fund. CFEF is an organization that awards scholarships to students with disabilities. We go in depth about how this program works and how you (if you’re a Utah resident) might be able to help. 

My guest Ronnie Daniel has an accomplished career in the nonprofit sector. He began his nonprofit career working for the Boy Scouts of America for 16 years in California, Colorado, and Indiana.  He worked as the development director for the Natural History Museum of Utah and the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. He served as the executive director of the Alzheimer’s Association of Utah and the director of philanthropy for WHOlives. 

His passion for choice in education stems from being the father of a deaf son and he works diligently to help children with disabilities in Utah to have the best education opportunities available. Ronnie is married to Heidi and together they have four children and seven grandchildren.

Visit to learn more about Children First Education Fund.