Influencer marketing can be a very effective way to promote your company’s products and services. It might be able to help you reach a new audience and tap into an audience that is loyal, authentic, and aligned with your brand. In this episode, I discuss details of influencer marketing, and how a company like yours might be able to use influencer marketing to further its overall business objectives.
In this episode, I cover:
- What is an influencer
- Who are micro-influencers
- Why you might want to use influencer marketing
- Listen all the way through for the Top 5 and/or 6 Factors to Keep in Mind When Considering Using Influencer Marketing
There you have it, a rundown of influencer marketing and how you might be able to leverage it for your business.
Yeah, at least some of the reports I reference in the podcast:
Digital 2023: Global Overview Report” by Datareportal (
A study by Mediakix