With Shailesh Ghimire

Corner Your Market

This podcast is for those serious about using Digital Marketing to grow their business. If you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur or marketing professional don’t miss our weekly episodes

Episodes are now also available on YouTube. To watch visit the podcast channel page

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Some Great Quotes from Your Host

"Marketing creates the condition under which sales happen. If you're skeptical, then just stop marketing and see how soon your sales drops off."
Shailesh Ghimire
"Above the fold... Really? What are we doing here selling newspaper ads in 1952? The first thing people do when they arrive on a site is scroll or click."
Shailesh Ghimire
Funny Man
"A domain name is only as strong as the content you have on it. So don't go around buying silly domain names like a drunken sailor."
Shailesh Ghimire
"Doing digital marketing without measuring is like.... is like... pretty silly... borderline criminal if you ask me... just don't do it if you don't plan to measure."
Shailesh Ghimire
“75% of web traffic is mobile in the under 25 age group - so yeah, it shocks me when you tell me you never tested your design on a mobile device.”
Shailesh Ghimire
Design Guru
“Undertaking content marketing is like joining the gym. You won't get a beach body in June if you stop going to the gym in mid-January.”
Marketing Coach

Meet Your Host

Shailesh is a seasoned digital marketing professional with a strong focus on strategic thinking. With over 20 years of digital marketing experience under his belt, he has a proven track record of helping numerous brands achieve their online potential. He is also a sought after speaker and digital marketing consultant

In this podcast Shailesh shares real-world examples and practical insights that equip his audience with the knowledge and tools to apply the latest marketing technologies and platforms. His passion for digital technology and business growth is contagious, and he leaves his listeners feeling motivated and ready to take action.

Originally from Kathmandu, Nepal, Shailesh currently resides in Salt Lake City, UT. 

Your Host

Shailesh Ghimire

Guest Appearances on Other Podcasts​

July 7, 2023 – I was on the Be Memorable podcast with Ty Erickson. Had a chance to talk about digital marketing topics – in particular aligning your digital marketing strategy with your business goals. Listen and subscribe to Be Memorable.